Rhinoplasty (Nasal Augmentation)
rhinoplasty is to augment the nasal structure with the use of prosthesis such as
silicon, Gore-Tex, etc. through the incisions made inside the nose. Open
rhinoplasty, which means incisions are made across columella, is another
procedure to reshape not only the ridge, but also the tip for a harmoniously
well-cut nose. The nasal tip will be slightly upturned which makes the nose
in profile look natural and charming. Thus, the patient will have a reshaped
nose that is beautiful when viewed from the front and in profile as well. For
the tip elevation, we use autologous cartilage grafted from the patient’s body.
Looking natural, this reshaped tip will be soft and smooth that it is possible
to press on or up the tip.
• What materials are used for nasal
*Silicon Known as the safest to the human body,
silicone is the most used and best material to make the most beautiful nose
because it doesn’t change in shape or isn’t absorbed into the skin.
*Gore-Tex Gore-Tex which has been used for
angioplasty, the blood vessel surgery, for a long time was introduced to the
plastic surgery 5 years ago. It has an advantage of having softer texture than
silicon, but some disadvantages exist on the other hand. With the passage of
time, its size decreases by 40 %. Being tightly conglutinated to the tissues of
human body, Gore-Tex is so difficult to remove for the revisional surgery and
make the skin far thinner after removal. For this reason, it is now used if
inevitably needed.
*Medpore Medpore, a kind of artificial bone, is
used as a substitute for septal cartilage to reconstruct the columella or
prolong the nasal septum.
*AlloDerm Allograft (human) dermis is rarely
rejected to the body. AlloDerm is a kind of processed allograft dermis which is
sterilized and thoroughly controlled by human tissue bank after eliminating its
pathogenicity and antigenicity to make it transplantable. It is mostly used as a
substitute for cartilage and also used to correct the reddish tip of nose. It
will feel softer than cartilage.
*Autologous CartilageUnlike auricular
cartilage, septal cartilage is flat without any curvature, so is mainly used to
augment the tip, reconstruct the columella or prolong the nose.
-Auricular Cartilage (from ear) Auricular
cartilage grafting is largely used because incision scars for cartilage
extraction will be inconspicuous. Auricular cartilage which is rounded similar
to the shape of nose tip makes it possible to reshape a natural tip or thicken
it with 3-layer graft if needed.
*Autologous Dermis Grafting Usually, skin tissue
of the gluteal (hip) crease of the patient’s own is used for the soft texture,
but there is a limit to make a delicate and sleek shape. For this reason, it is
mainly used for the revisional surgery.
*Autologous Fat Grafting (micro-fat, fibro-fat grafting)
In the past, fat grafting success rate was only 10 to 20 % and it was
almost impossible to achieve cosmetic effects in nose surgery. However,
micro-fat or fibro-fat grafting which has been lately developed sees now about
50% of success rate. In addition, with the advanced technique of fat
preservation, any change in shape due to absorbed fat can be simply corrected
even 6 months after fat grafting.
*Autologous Fascia Grafting In order to slightly
augment the nose from the bridge to the tip with the use of autologous tissue,
thick temporalis fascia is in use, collected over the ears for the graft.
*Autologous Costal (rib) Cartilage Grafting If
a considerable portion of nasal bone is damaged due to any accident or severe
infection, rib cartilage of the patient’s own is used for the graft, but it is
very difficult to make the ultimate shape because a great amount of rib
cartilage is easily absorbed. |
For low profile nose we make an incision inside of mucous menbrane to insert
an implant like silicon to increse the height. Rhinoplasty with opened
incisional method, through mucous menbrane we can enhance dorsum more higher as
well as reshaping the nose tip. In order to achieve a soft and natural looking
nose tip on both sides and front view we use your own cartilage to create tip
beautifully curved shape.
Alar Reduction
The bulbous nose can be corrected by using of remedial apparatus. We can
remove the dermis and adipose tissue from the nose tip, or relocate them in
order to create slim and sharp look. The broad and round tip is created by wide
cartilage which is covered by fat. For this case the cartilage can be reduced
and removed. The reduction of the thick skin on nose tip we remove the enough
fat and own cartilage or implant to create silmmer and narrower look. The
implant materials for nose tip are ear cartilage, septal cartilage, dermis fat
and alloderm, however the most common procedure is to graft cartilage from ear
or nose which has no rejection with the natural looking.
Nasal Tip Reshaping
The long and droopy nose tip can be created by long growth of septal
cartilage or alar cartilage has been sagging and it accompaines with hump nose.
Therefore the corrective method suits this surgery. The important method is
to adjust alar cartilage which has been located downwards. The rotation of
cartilage by septal cartilage will enhance nose tip to look upwards. The
other method is to reduce septal cartilage by removing a part as well as
rotation of upwards. If not enough, removed cartilage can be replaced and
inserted on dorsum which will lead the cartilage to roate more An arrow nose
look can be created by hump on the bridge. The oppostion of curve bridge and
curve nose tip makes unmatchable look. Therefore the rotate correction is needed
to low down hump as well as make nose tip higher. |
Lengthening of Short Nose
The most difficult operation of rhinoplasty is lengthening the short nose.
The short nose are demonstrate as small nose, length of bridges are short and
nose tip is pointing higher. Which are caused by short support structure inside
of the nose. The cartilage from the nose tip will be relocated lower position as
well as extension of mucous membrane and skin are needed for this procedure.
The septal cartilage and alar carilage can be used for extension of nose
length, this procedure is suitable for people with not enough cartilage on their
nose tip. However in some case ear cartilage can be used.. The inside and
outside of hollow bridge are examine through the location of alar cartilage
whether is has been forced inside. Also the length of septal cartilage and the
suitable size of cartilage alaris are needs to be determined. However the bridge
has to be pull out and the correction of alar cartilage length can be the
• Long Nose Reduction (Correction of Drooping Tip)
When the nose is too long, which means that the nasal tip droops or
plunges, nostrils are invisible from the front view and the tip gets very close
to the upper lip in profile. This makes a person look older and narrow-minded.
To correct this, we shorten the nose by slightly elevating the tip for youthful
and stylish looks.
• Short Nose Extension (Correction
of Upturned Tip)Short nose which is usually upturned nose intends to
deteriorate an intellectual image with clearly visible nostrils. In this case,
it is necessary to lengthen the nose by transferring alar cartilage (from the
wings of the nose) down to the tip and extending inner nasal mucous membrane and
outer skin tissue at the same time. This is a very delicate procedure to have a
normal and balanced shape of nose. |
Correction of Deviated Nose
The diviated nose are caused by nasal bone and nasal septum, due to
unsuitable combination.The most common way to have diviated nose are not enough
treatment after the accident has been occur. Not balanced growth can create or
congenital septal cartilage can be the reason. These diviated brigde need to be
corrected by surgery which can impact on appearance. The nasal septum is
mucous membrane which is located in the middle of our nose and divides the inner
nose.The deviation of nasal septum needs to be corrected in order to adjust
inner and outer look.
• Correction of Slight Deviation Healthy people
can have a deviated or slightly off-center nose in different degrees. It often
happens that many patients who weren’t aware of the exact shape of their nose
realize that there is a deviation while closely observing their reshaped nose
after rhinoplasty and then want an additional surgery for the correction of
deviation. Therefore, the surgeon who will perform the operation should exactly
evaluate and inform the patient of any slight deviation. He will correct it
during nasal augmentation surgery even though the nose might not be 100%
• Correction of Severe
Deviation If the nose is severely deviated or distorted in anyone’s
eyes, it doesn’t look good aesthetically, or can cause seriously impaired
breathing. In this case, it is necessary to correct and straighten it with the
use of nasal osteotomy and septoplasty. When the bone and cartilage are bent
on oneside the osteotomy of nasal bone is suitable procedure. Firstly we need to
remove the fractured bone and relocate to create the straight line, the
protruded bone can be replaced as well as hollow bone. The replacing of bone is
the correction of deviated nose. |
Nostril Reshaping
The low profile nose can create like African-american nose due to wide
nostril. Therefore the correction of wide nostril is needed during rhinoplasty,
which will perform the much effective result. The incision is made inside of
mucous membrane which does not perform scar. The short period of recovery time
is needed for this procedure. |
Nasal Reduction
• Correction of Aquiline Nose The hump nose are
demonstrates as more developed structure compare to normal people such as nasal
bone, nose cartilage and nasal septum. The protruded nose bone, projected dorsum
cartilage, dropping and deviated nose tip are indicates as general symptom.
Therefore these symptom are noticeble. When the certain part of the bridge
has been protruded, the use of sepecial operatory can perform effective result
by rasping the protruded bone. The use of an implant on the bridge to enhance
the height will create natural line.
When the bone is highly prominent, the intersection of bone and cartilage
will be devided into sections. The dividing sections are protruded bone, outside
cartilage and septal cartilage.
The high dorsum can be improve and have satisfaction result through the
methods described above. However with low profile nose, the above method will
create more depression therefore the protruded bone need to be removed and
insert an implant to create higher profile bridge.
Reduction of nasal bone The broad nose reduction was one of the
procedure for correcting deviation Nose and hump Nose. These days broad nose
reduction is done by its purpose. The width of bridge bone can be determined
by bone and outside cartilage. The procedure follows the structure of the bone,
as well as pushing the broad bone to accmulate together. In order to reduce
the broad bone, the outside osteotomy is the suitable method. This procedure is
by craking the outside bone and push them inside. This is a speical osteotomy to
reduced the bone by adjust suitable width.
Reduction of Bulbous Nose With the base of the wide or bulbous nose,
it can not defined for face. The nose are in the middle of our face therefore it
can impact on apperance. Therefore the wide base can be corrected by base
Asian nose has a thin cartilage comparing to European however
the skin is thicker. This comparison are noticed on nose tip. This appereance
can achieve to have sophiscated look by base reduction.
The base
reduction is a suitable procedure for wide base and nostril. This surgery can
decrease the base and the scar is not noticble due to inside incision. This is a
simple surgery can perform an effective result.
In order to perform this
surgery the width of base, nostril size and length of nasal alar wing are needed
to be determined. It is important to know the shape and height of nostril as
well as the length for overall. From this examined result, the decision can be
done whether the nose tip surgery needs to be done with base reduction or not.
The correction of nostil size and the length of outside nasal alar wing can be
done together. |
What to Keep in Mind Before and After Surgery
• Pre-Operative Care
You should avoid the menstruation period if possible, but in an
inevitable case, please inform us in advance for the preventive measures from
menstrual bleeding. 2. You should
avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamin E supplements about a
week before surgery as they can cause increased bleeding. 3. You should avoid taking certain medications
such as over-the-counter Korean herbal medicines or steroid drugs about a week
before surgery as they can affect and disturb wound healing. 4. You should stop smoking and drinking a week
in advance of surgery. 5. It is
important to schedule the date of surgery considering the healing time as, in
general, men bleed more and need more time to relieve swelling than women
do. 6. The amount of time it takes for
recovery varies greatly according to the type of procedure and its healing
process is gradual. You should make the decision for the right procedure of nose
surgery that you can afford in terms of time and cost. 7. You should stop taking food 6 hours before
surgery to make the stomach empty for painless intravenous sedation. 8. You should remove nail polish as fingernails
are monitored to check the patient’s condition during the operation. 9. You should not wear any metallic accessories
or ornaments which can cause the malfunction of surgical instruments and
probable burns. |
• Post-Operative Care
It takes one or two hours for nose surgery in general. When the surgery
is completed, you will be taken to the recovery room for about an hour and apply
an ice pack to the incised area for the reduction of swelling. When you become
stable and feel less discomfort, you will be allowed to go home. 2. Cold compresses or an ice pack is helpful to
relieve the swelling for the first 3 to 4 days after surgery and then hot pack
is recommendable. 3. The patient may
experience minor bleeding for the first 2 days. Just wipe it away, which does no
harm, but do not peel intentionally the dried-up blood clot off by
force. 4. You should avoid reading or
using computer for a week following surgery. Do not blow the nose even though
you feel stuffy. Take the prescription drugs for 3 to 5 days after
surgery. 5. While sleeping, you should
keep your head elevated, higher than your heart for a week after surgery, which
will help to reduce swelling. 6. To
prevent nasal prosthesis from moving, you should avoid wearing glasses and
frowning for several weeks after surgery. 7.
Any other medications than prescription drugs should be reported to your
surgeon or the hospital. 8. You should
avoid drinking and smoking for a month after surgery.
+ hospital visit for follow-up care and return to normal
lifeYou will visit the hospital for follow-up
care the next day of surgery, 3rd day and 5th to 7th day after surgery. You can
return to normal life 5 to 7 days after surgery, but swelling and bruising will
last 2 weeks. Most normal activities can be resumed after 2 weeks, but some
exercises lowering your head like swimming should be avoided. If you wear
glasses, you’d better wear contact lenses for 3 weeks. + Post-operative scarring In
general, scars are invisible as incisions are made inside of the nose. In case
of open rhinoplasty, a small V-shaped suture mark is left on the columella but
becomes very inconspicuous with the passage of time. |
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